using mutable isntruments tvs diodes use 2X5 pin arrangement for power supply //Power supply protection series diode protection introduces power drop you can use a schottky diode but what he reccomends instead is to use a polyfuse protection instead you have a polyfuse in series, and also a diode connected he uses SMD0805-010-24V the diode can be any cheap power diode google polyfuse protection // using the pico minimum viable board // 8V for gates // a way to market it this would be don't tell people that literally keep the mysteriousness the mystique // for PCB one all ground, other side connections all the connections have vias to ground use a decent track width for power .5mm but for everything else you can use pretty small traces // to step the voltage up on output of rp2040 use a CMOS chip CD40106B or HC etc. - as long as the numbers are the same 40106 use a regulator L78L08 12V to input outputs 8V put a capicator to ground to help smooth out the voltage // pj398SM //