//From Minimal SCH RP2040 to Crystal 8.5mm outer pad to edge Rp2040 to USB 21.5mm outer pad to outer pad edge to edge track spacing (minimum) .25mm // TODO JLC - find compatible stuff JLC - import c numbers in kicad JLC - try JLC autoscript X THROUGH HOLE USB BOOT THING pcb updated footprints bat432 (or the other diode, can't remember) x realign top header (move and then drag wires to holes) - get rid of unnecesary through hole pins x make power lines thicker (and deal with shit) x input special rules for jlc tolerances move Right Collum leds over to the left a bit // QUESTIONS check for raspberry pi input protection so as not to cancel out internal rp2040 protection c21 and c22 - .1uf - correct? = 100nf? why is 1k on the list twice MAKE SURE I understand how stacking works and that the battery clip, and eurorack power will be going through hole on the back of the 2nd board, and will be correctly aligned DRC CONNECTION ERRORS why am I getting ground and +3v3 connection errors? does that imply that some ground connections are connected to each other in a clump but don't ever reach the copper fill ground plane? I should be able to check this by looking back at stuff myself DRC ERROR trace length out of range on some vias whats up with weird unconeccted items including ground to ground etc. TRACE WIDTHS double check but seems no do the 12v/8v traces need to be larger than the 3v ones? like is that more of a concern? NOTE THIS (how internal, ie are they just talking ab their module) There are internal 10K pull-ups on the PCF8523 on SDA and SCL to the VCC voltage does the rtc need to be closer to rpi? shorter traces etc? which pins do I need to use for the i2c on rpi should be good - im on GP16 and GP17 which are an i2c0 pair BUT CLOCK AND DATA SHOULD BE SWITCHED GP16 should be data (27) and GP17 should be clock (28) add more decoupling caps like it mentions in user manual? double check adafruit breakout schematic/board itself to see what theyve used (if it works testing with the pico then should be good enough) how to export for jlc? //PARTS cap footprints ok for reistors in this case? //FACEPLATE adding hole? edge cuts layer?