-------------------------------------- deleted dnf, is that cool? -------------------------------------- moved decoupling cap c14 away from the rpi 3v on the bottom side etc. is that alrght? do those need to be close to the crystal? its only helpful if the doucouplings (the .1uf) having one per power pin to the rp2040 - but having 2 to the same pin is pointless (but secretly they're not super important for my stuff shhh) -------------------------------------- - Light mask layout on top of board -------------------------------------- - Light mask pcb stacking interaction - good ground plane?(Using fem headers for this) -------------------------------------- - Getting custom footprint/crystal stuff -------------------------------------- - New regulator ok? (Maybe i can just use the bigger one anyway) -------------------------------------- - Finding basic part resistors -------------------------------------- - Wrong polyfuse val - what does it mean? -------------------------------------- - What is the circle around the pad? Does that need to be payed attention to more than courtyards for examlpe --------------------------------------