- RP2040 internal ground pad? internal volt connections? he uses ground A and ground B (one for top and one for bottom - but he doesn't really recommend it) - something wrong with vias? why are they showing up as still having ratsnest b generates the fill - refreshes all fills so that's why i didn't have an actual ground plane if I make a change hit b and it updates everything I DO need to rout all the rp2040 ratsnest go back and look at the minimal example You CAN hop with vias ie make a via, go to back of board, then hit b to update but you need to keep your ground plane solid just some quick hops totally fine, but dont fill the ground plane up with a bunch of shit he thinks that all the track widths should be bigger minimum 15 mils, power 20mils (anything pos voltage esp when trying to get them to the rp2040A 10 mils or .2 is the least david uses - check the ultimate minimum on jlc you can use the big tracks to get TO the power stuff, but then drop down to ten mil to route between stuff w and shift+w switches track widths edit track and via properties you can update everything at the same time and you can also filter by net edit, edit track and via properties somewhere you can constrain minimum clearance - you need to set it to the minimum clearance of jlc then run DRC control which is the box with the checks - how to implicitly connect the headers somehow in the schematic - just turn all the LEDS on the left to have more space to route stuff if you hit b over the track you can just drag it around v to flip to back setting on left side makes things easier - jlc footprints into kicad - rules checks? next steps? - auto routing? - battery clip is reflow - problem? //David problems the crystal needs to be very close to the actual rp2040 he would put the crystal on the back of the first pcb how I should do the outline the rectangle should be on the edge cuts lays // USB should be closer to rp2040 crystal could be through hole and put it on back // two tracks that are really close together for the outputs - having them running like that for so long is the optimal way to generate crosstalk (esp not if they're an input output pair) and they're long - only really a problem when they're running right next to each other for a long - use all the space I have I want a lot of ground connections between the two pcbs - you want at least twice as many ground connections as power make both connectors a 2X4 // the decoupling capacitors need to be as close as possible to the chip each capacitor is for a specific location on the rp2040 - check the minimal pcb // make the lower pin header a sideways 2x4 and you have more room for the or put both pin headers sideways note: the courtyard reference means that in theory nothing should be there the courtyards in kicad are more cautious than you actually need the white outlines are the courtyards if you hide the courtyard drc control will give you warnings about the courtyard but you can ignore them for the LEDs I'm using capacitor footprints, not LED footprints - the size might be wrong, but more importantly, there's no polarity specificed so JLC will fuck it up // for symbols/footprints install digikey put it in right folder then add it in preferences on kicad and snapeda //footprint assignmnet check filter by descriptio as well he usually picks footprint, then picks LED after just reassign as LED SMD 0603 // maybe I leave a space on the back board for a crystal/usb connector to test if it will work?