try doing the clock read/write test with the actual example code remember, why does it generally work when usb plugged in? usb isn't magic // note in the usb example if(TARGET tinusb_device) investigate that line also disable uart maybe also order of cmakelists? // NOTE from august 7th getting this bug again when using eurorack power, didn't i solve it? note - when I include usbwait, and plug it into eurorack power, it doesn't scramble anything, implying that if it doesn't reach the mcu, nothing is scrambled (this is good - implies its not a hard path circuitry issue) but after the rack scrambles it, it still reads scrambled on USB as in some cases before, it seems like the *act of reading the clock* scrambles it (but only on eurorack power) not sure if I ended up just ignoring this since it only happened with (one?) module previously now I've seen at least 2 w this bug, scary // update: when it happens only on eurorack power, but usb is fine - that appears to mean there's a problem with the battery I succesfully replicated the bad behavior using a known(?) bad battery, then used a good one and had no problems - implies that's the issue //