//Algo REich longer reich lengths make things feel a bit less legoey and a bit more wrote sunday lengths seem more appropriate - ie shorten overall length ranges I think had to go back in code and check what's effecting what, that seems not great full moon seems not very exciting full moon should def be more dense oh oops I had the params opposite in my mind rn the days control density, the moon controls len sometimes the reich patterns should be the same length/synced in some way on sunday, waning gibbous, I got a pattern with 0 in it - should add seed to this pattern like with algo sparse yes, rolled one where the patter lengths are the same and its way more interesting imo for smaller rhytms - drifting ones might be great for ambiet but I like these for this // low density low max is very cool - makes just small patterns that bounce off each other (has to be clocked very fast) check for bug - sunday might always make first algo have 0 notes or just like sunday monday in general sometimes end up no notes // 50% density and 5 steps is a fun place - mid week, early moon // using moon cycle as the point/time value in perlin nosie