show video ask about what could be improved in video // - First and foremost, what's the timeline? getting gear pre launch, filming video for launch? - the idea of a slower post launch burn, growing from launch rather then setting up for a bang - is that realistic? - how much do people pay for promotion [making a little outline really helps making a bullet point list of things im trying to say] [wordle thing good, people will like it will hit hard] [the idea of it being a prompt is powerful - keep that in there - good way of thinking about it] [rare in eurorack where there's no control - completely different mentality] [at 0:45 - so far doing great, but he cuts as many ums and ahs as possible - crisp and clean with no filler words] [as the person who made this I can flash it with any parameter that I want - I can show it on a different day, different mood, different moon] [there's gonna be a real challenge showing it off because people can't see different rhythms - I have to show off the variety etc. - maybe with some pre set dates - they can't do that I can] [bring up the software update and clock set thing - how is it not going to get desynced?? show that in video] [maybe bring up how many colors there are immediately] [wants some euclidean phasing generator] [keep it a mystery to some extent] [look at whimsical wraps manuals - they keep it mysterious] [mention the manual thing of keeping you on pace with natural phenomenon, not a direct moon translation] // - what email would you click on - wording etc. - what booth would you cover at a con and why - what elevator pitch works best // how the fuck are people gonna review this thing? it takes months to change // - which creators to contact - who might be specifically interested - getting more of a list currently Ricky tinez Andrew huang mylar melodies divkid benn jordan bobeats heinbach patchwerks // design thoughts? (hopefully software mostly) // distributors vs direct, which distributors are you more likely to buy from/think are legit? do you think there's a difference between the 20/30/40 dollar price point or is that negligible at that point //