A close friend of mine, AC Gaudette, makes video games - we were living together in Mexico for a little while, and decided to each make a game in a month, and we talked a lot about this. He said that he wanted his games to be a window into a world. That the world should always be there, always have its own internal continuity, and exist on its own time, even when the player isn't playing or watching. I started thinking about a synthesizer module that lives in its own world. A module in which there was a 2 way process of creation. It would move slowly, over months, and while I was was out eating and sleeping and thinking, the synthesizer was turning over in its own world. I could leave on a trip, and look up at the moon, and think about my module at home, and know that it was behaving in its own way accordingly. I started thinking about what happens when you turn a synthesizer off. Everything is gone. You can save presets sometimes, but the session, what you were doing, how the synthesizer behaves, is gone, and reset. What if the synthesizer stayed alive even when I wasn't using it? even when it was off? What if there was an LFO that lasted a month, and while I was out eating and sleeping and thinking, the synthesizer was living too, very slowly opening a filter, so that each time I turned it on, rather than deciding what to do with it, I would see what it was up to, what point it was at in its own daily routine. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////