What I would write about: It frustrates me that devices turn off. It spoils the illusion that they're real. There's a forest behind my parent's house and a thicket of thorns. When I leave it and return things change, things have grown, and died. When I went to turn on my synthesizer it performs exactly as it did when I last used it, frozen perfectly in time, switched off. I want the synthesizer to show that it still lives when out of my line of sight - I want it to have object permanence. That way it will be real. Then I can come to it, and wake it up instead of turning it on, and ask it what it has to give me. It will serve me what it wants. It will act differently than it before. The living device allows me to see past the turning of knobs, the idea that I have ultimate control. It speaks and I listen, and it has moods, and phases. Devices need not be static, they can have lives of their own, changing with the passage of time, sitting in a drawer and thinking, and acting differently when taken out.