This module explores a new type of machine, a machine with continuity, and a mind of its own. What happens we turn off our machines? When a synthesizer gets switched off? Well, sometimes everything goes away; We turn on a synthesizer and it starts its life, we explore something for one session, and when we turn it off, it vanishes, then we start back at zero when we turn it back on. Other synthesizers maintain their state, and are ready waiting where we left them, frozen in amber, as if no time had passed at all since we last used them. These machines work differently than most things around us. If you have a pear, it will sit and ripen and rot, regardless of how much you think about it or how many times you examine it. It has its own timeline, completely seperate from you. If you have a gerbil, it will grow and change over time, and have moods of its own. Let's say you go on a trip for two weeks. You'll come back to your house and see that the hard pear you left has become soft, the full gerbil has become hungry. Perhaps it rained and your roof leaked, and there is water on your floor. Things changed, even while you weren't looking, weren't paying attention, the situation evolved. But your synthesizer will sit right on your desk after those two weeks, a cloyingly sweet yes man, saying "here, I've left everything exactly as it was!, nothing has changed, not one bit". And so its almost like leaving a brick there next to it, becuase the brick will have changed just as much as the synthesizer. The synthesizer has no life of its own, it does nothing but exactly what you ask it to. This is incredibly practical, but it gives you little motivation to check on it. There is no curiousity of how its doing, because you know precisely what state its in. Synthesizers are like stuffed gerbils; they're very well behaved, and might look better than the live ones, but they're not nearly as fun. What I want is a machine with a mind of its own, that gives you reason to turn it on, because it has been thinking while you were away, its been growing and changing over time, and it will be different than it was when you left it.