- price is part of design, a very key part of design. It determines who can experience your design. If the price is poorly designed, it can undermine other aspects of the design completely. - the question is not just *if* its expensive, but *why* it is expensive. Is it expensive because it is produced more humanely? is it expensive because of the cost of materials? is it expensive because it wants to be luxury brand? is it expensive to make people think its better? is it expensive because it has been determined that raising the price will raise profits? - Why is this company a company, and not a foundation which pays employees and designers, but operates under a creed other than profiteering? why are a company's books closed? why are the costs secret? - Eurorack is a luxury Good. Most people cannot afford to be interested in Eurorack - Designing Eurorack modules at scale is seen as a professional pursuit, which it doesn't have to be. - just because its succesful doesnt mean its good (good as in for good)